Research and Development for 3D Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality

The talk addresses recent research and the state-of-the practices related to the field of 3D computer graphics and virtual reality. First, the talk introduces the main tasks of 3D computer graphics and virtual reality. Then it introduces two problem fields and discusses their solutions. The first problem field is called “Overlaying with polygon meshes”. It concerns the coverage of polygon meshes with other solid objects in 3D computer graphics applications. The second one is called “Creation of WOWvx images and video”. It is related to creating images and video for a multiview autostereoscopic 3D display which uses the Philips WOWvx technology. Finally, the presentation introduces two software modules (plug-ins) that implement the solutions of the two problems mentioned above.

Emiliyan Petkov is a doctor of informatics and senior assistant professor at the University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, since September 2000. He teaches programming, computer graphics and 3D graphics systems to students who study computer science, informatics or computer multimedia at this University. He has about fifteen scientific publications in the field of computer graphics and virtual reality and takes part in different national and international projects funded by the EU.

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